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A personal project 


  • Documentary filmmaker


  • Surrey Family Photograher


  • Surrey Branding photographer

April 2020 

Lockdown 1.0


I was out with my 3 children, 3 scooters and a camera on our daily neighbourhood walk at the start of lockdown when I passed a friend's house. Her youngest daughter Freya was waving in the window in her superhero outfit and I snapped her.

It kickstarted an idea.


We were all 'Staying home, Staying safe', which was and continues to be a rollercoaster of emotions for everyone (to put it midly!).

I thought it would be wonderful to capture the essence of lockdown, as it has been such a historic time.

I believed that photographing families through their window to the world would be the perfect way to do it.


Plus, I would have a creative outlet to keep me sane!

And so began #stayhomesuperheroes.

Image of a girl in a superhero outfit looking out of her window of her house

I used my exercise hour to cycle around to people’s homes and capture their lockdown window (sometimes a door!) asking questions to help gain an idea of their story behind their window.


Documenting this time and gaining an insight into each family, really helped to bring all the images to life, and not only that, it enabled people who saw these images to relate and know that their own highs and lows were also felt by others.


The overriding sentiment that came through from people's stories is the gratitude they have for this imposed family time together. The hope that the positive differences they have enjoyed can continue once the world resumes some normality. The chance we have all had to reflect on what's important in life.


It was a wonderful project to do, a real Woking community story to be told for many years to come, I also raised money for the NHS through it, to help supply the key workers. 


I have featured each family and their story and you can read them all below. Thank you to everyone who took part. It was my honour to tell your lockdown story.

The Wilkinson-Pinto Family


Sally, Marco, Zé, Inez, Zavier and Teddy the puppy, a busy family! As a builder and Hairdresser it is uncertain times work wise but as you will read from Sally, they are making the most of the family time.â €

â €

“I am enjoying going back to basics and spending real time with each other. I will miss TIME when this is all over.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

My favourite time of day is the hour I get to spend with my horse every morning watching the sun ruse realising how lucky I am.⠀⠀


- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken?â €

We had just had dinner and were watching the news.”

The Hardicre Girls


“My household is just my daughter, Grace, and I.

I work at her school, as a teaching assistant. I have been asked to stay home, as there are very few children currently at school, and me coming in, would mean I’d have to bring Grace.


A positive aspect of being able to stay home is that I am finally getting on top of getting my house in order.

I’ve felt overwhelmed for a long time with trying to keep the house spotless, coupled with the desire to decorate it at the same time, and I’m slowly completing jobs I’ve been meaning to do for months.


I’m also thoroughly enjoying having Grace home with me. With school, clubs, and weekends spent in Peterborough with her Dad, our time actually spent together feels usually feels very limited. I’ve been enjoying not having to be anywhere at a certain time, the rush of every day life can be draining. I’ll miss the slow pace of life, when things go back to normal.


Before this photo was taken, Grace was learning dances from videos on her phone, and I was tidying, as I always am!”

The Blakes


Asia/Jo an office/accounts manager, Tristan an aircraft maintenance supervisor, Elsie (10) and Eryk (8)


- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives!

Our positives include spending time together as family and actually having time for DIY! But we are missing the loss of freedom and worrying about the uncertainty.


- What will you miss about this time when it is over?

We will miss family time


- What will you miss about this time when it is over?

An early morning ( favourite time of a day)


- What keeps your heart smiling?

listening to the kids play together makes us smile


- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken?

Jo/Asia was wfh, Tristan cleared the garden and cleaned the decking , kids were playing football in the garden.

The Hogans


Sarah, Craig, Lily (11) and Ben (9)


Here is Sarah's lockdown story: “In many ways I am enjoying the isolation. We are so fortunate that we have many beautiful walks on the doorstep and a dog to ensure routine and discipline to walk every day. We are lucky that we have technology to be able to see and talk to loved ones. What I miss most is being able to spend time with friends and loved ones.


When it is over I will miss the freedom of filling our own time without external expectations and pressures.

My favourite time of the day is the same as always, walking the dog.

Online chats with family and friends keep my heart smiling.


Just before the photo I was having a cup of tea and a very leisurely morning! There have been many long leisurely mornings and I am getting very good at a slower pace of life. Oh, I’ll also miss Joe Wickes workouts.”